Dictionar de expresii uzuale. Limba engleza

Cartea autorului Cosmina Draghici „Dictionar de expresii uzuale. Limba engleza" de la editura BOOKLET
Dictionar de expresii englez-roman in format mic, foarte util in calatorii, dar si pentru a-ti imbogati vocabularul si conversatia in limba engleza.
Table of contents/Cuprins
1. Greetings / Saluturi
2. Who is it? / Cine este?
3. Conversation / Conversatie
4. Introducing people / Prezentarea
5. The family / Familia
6. Age / Varsta
7. The house / Casa
8. Meeting an acquaintance/an invitation/acceptance/refusal / Intalnire cu un cunoscut/o invitatie/ acceptare/refuz
9. The meals of the day / Mesele zilei
10. Weather / Vremea
11. The time / Timpul
- The days of the week / Zilele saptamanii
- The seasons. The months of the year / Anotimpurile. Lunile anului
- The moments of the day / Momentele zilei
- Time expressions / Expresii privind timpul
- What time is it? / Cat e ceasul?
12. Colours - qualities / Culori - insusiri
13. Radio and television / Radio si televiziune
14. Education. Science / Educatie. Stiinta
15. Work / Munca
16. Sports and games / Sporturi si jocuri
17. Health / Sanatate
- The Human Body / Corpul uman
- Calling a doctor / Cum chemam un doctor
- At the doctor's / La cabinetul medical
- At the dentist's / La dentist
- At the chemist's / La farmacie
- Medical optics / Optica medicala
18. Travelling / Calatorii
- Travelling by plane / Calatorie cu avionul
- Travelling by train / Calatorie cu trenul
- By ship / Cu vaporul
- By car / Cu masina
- At the customs / La vama
19. In town / In oras
- Asking the way / Informare asupra drumului
- At the hotel / La hotel
- At the restaurant / La restaurant
- The bill of fare / Lista de bucate
- Signs / Semne
- Visiting museums, exhibitions, public libraries / Vizitand muzee, expozitii, biblioteci publice
- Theatre, cinema. Going to a concert - dancing / Teatru, cinema. La concert - dans
- Shopping / Cumparaturi
- The food store / Magazinul alimentar
- In a department store / Intr-un magazin universal
- At the lottery agency / La agentia LOTO
- At the watchmaker's / La ceasornicarie
- At the shoemaker's / La cizmarie
- At the bank / La banca
- At the post office / La posta
20. Economic topics / Probleme economice
- Industry / Industrie
- Agriculture / Agricultura
- Trade / Comert
Anul aparitiei: 2015
Numar de pagini: 144
Format: 11x16
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