Engleza in 30 de ore. O metoda rapida pentru incepatori

PRP: 21,26 lei
Acesta este Prețul Recomandat de Producător. Prețul de vânzare al produsului este afișat mai jos.
Preț: 15,95 lei
Diferență: 5,31 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
Autor: Alfred Baumgartner
Anul publicării: 2003
"Patrundere rapida" in specificul limbii engleze, programata pe durata a 30 de lectii de cate o ora, lucrarea ofera prin textele propuse studiului o perspectiva asupra universului britanic de zi cu zi, redand limbajul colocvial, predominant in situatiile cotidiene. Conform aceluiasi"scenariu", cursantii au parte pe parcursul"sedintelor" de un prim contact cu cultura, traditiile si institutiile engleze, demers bine sustinut de iconografia aferenta, utila si in clarificarea fenomenelor gramaticale individuale.
Latura gramaticala a studiului este aplicata textelor, explica fenomenele de limba si prezinta reguli pornind de la exemple, numeroasele tabele si modele cuprind"materia" intr-o maniera clara, usor de memorat, in timp ce aspectele parcurse sunt fixate prin exercitii ("solutionate" in sectiunea"Cheia exercitiilor").
Un index de cuvinte, cuprinzand vocabularele celor 30 de lectii (cu indicarea pronuntiei in alfabetul fonetic international), netratate sistematic in cadrul explicatiilor gramaticale ale lectiilor respective sau in cele precedente, se constituie intr-un util instrument pentru rezolvarea traducerilor.
Despre pronuntia engleza --- 7
Meet John and Jane Brown --- 15
Getting Up in the Morning --- 19
Having Breakfast --- 23
On the Way to the City --- 27
Jane Starts Work --- 31
At the Post Office --- 36
Let's Have Lunch --- 40
Writing a Letter --- 45
The Browns' Home --- 49
An Evening at Home --- 53
At the Airport --- 56
A Walk in London --- 64
A Road Accident --- 69
Theatre and Cinema --- 74
Visiting the Houses of Parliament --- 79
Fleet Street and Its Newspapers --- 83
London Concert Halls --- 90
Sport in England --- 94
A Letter to Germany --- 98
Dining Out --- 103
The BBC Television Centre --- 108
Shopping in Town --- 113
In the East End --- 120
By Boat to Greenwich --- 126
Interesting Places around London --- 129
London Theatres --- 133
Goodbye to Karl --- 136
First Impressions of New York --- 142
A Bird's-eye View of New York --- 147
Conversation in a Drugstore --- 151
Cheia exercitiilor --- 156
Index de cuvinte --- 179
Autor(i): Dr. Alfred Baumgartner, Dr. Alexander Schussler
Anul aparitiei: 2003
Format: 13 x 20 cm
Număr de pagini: 240
Latura gramaticala a studiului este aplicata textelor, explica fenomenele de limba si prezinta reguli pornind de la exemple, numeroasele tabele si modele cuprind"materia" intr-o maniera clara, usor de memorat, in timp ce aspectele parcurse sunt fixate prin exercitii ("solutionate" in sectiunea"Cheia exercitiilor").
Un index de cuvinte, cuprinzand vocabularele celor 30 de lectii (cu indicarea pronuntiei in alfabetul fonetic international), netratate sistematic in cadrul explicatiilor gramaticale ale lectiilor respective sau in cele precedente, se constituie intr-un util instrument pentru rezolvarea traducerilor.
Despre pronuntia engleza --- 7
Meet John and Jane Brown --- 15
Getting Up in the Morning --- 19
Having Breakfast --- 23
On the Way to the City --- 27
Jane Starts Work --- 31
At the Post Office --- 36
Let's Have Lunch --- 40
Writing a Letter --- 45
The Browns' Home --- 49
An Evening at Home --- 53
At the Airport --- 56
A Walk in London --- 64
A Road Accident --- 69
Theatre and Cinema --- 74
Visiting the Houses of Parliament --- 79
Fleet Street and Its Newspapers --- 83
London Concert Halls --- 90
Sport in England --- 94
A Letter to Germany --- 98
Dining Out --- 103
The BBC Television Centre --- 108
Shopping in Town --- 113
In the East End --- 120
By Boat to Greenwich --- 126
Interesting Places around London --- 129
London Theatres --- 133
Goodbye to Karl --- 136
First Impressions of New York --- 142
A Bird's-eye View of New York --- 147
Conversation in a Drugstore --- 151
Cheia exercitiilor --- 156
Index de cuvinte --- 179
Autor(i): Dr. Alfred Baumgartner, Dr. Alexander Schussler
Anul aparitiei: 2003
Format: 13 x 20 cm
Număr de pagini: 240
Transport in Bucuresti
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- 26,40 leiPRP: 30,00 lei
- 26,40 leiPRP: 30,00 lei