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- >> Footprints 1 - Class Audio CDs 3 (Contine 3 cd-uri)
Footprints 1 - Class Audio CDs 3 (Contine 3 cd-uri)

PRP: 67,00 lei
Acesta este Prețul Recomandat de Producător. Prețul de vânzare al produsului este afișat mai jos.
Preț: 63,65 lei
Diferență: 3,35 lei
Disponibilitate: In stoc furnizor
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
Autor: Carol Read
Anul publicării: 2012
Categoria: Carte scolara
Beautifully illustrated and appealing to both children and teachers, this is a six-level course designed to meet the needs of teachers and learners who are working at a higher level of English than traditional courses. Footprints provides a strong emphasis on cross-curricular content with clearly identified language aims that acknowledge the increasing trend towards content-based learning
Levels 1 and 2 take students on a magical journey meeting well-known fairy tale characters to find the treasure at the end of the rainbow.
The idea of a quest is continued in levels 3 and 4 but the context moves away from the world of fairy tales to one of mystery and adventure, working with the children's growing maturity and awareness of the world around them.
- Strong story element uses a series of clues and riddles to lead the learner to the next episode and solve the puzzle
- Cohesive identity develops throughout the six levels, growing with the level and age of the learner
- A clear language progression in harmony with CEF descriptor bands and the Cambridge ESOL and Trinity YL exams - Intercultural learning reflects the increasing importance of this aspect of the CEF
- Extensive range of photocopiable worksheets caters for varying needs including materials for mixed-ability classes, letters, word lists, advice for parents and exams practice pages
Anul publicarii: 2012
Format: 12x14
Pagini: 3 CDs
Levels 1 and 2 take students on a magical journey meeting well-known fairy tale characters to find the treasure at the end of the rainbow.
The idea of a quest is continued in levels 3 and 4 but the context moves away from the world of fairy tales to one of mystery and adventure, working with the children's growing maturity and awareness of the world around them.
- Strong story element uses a series of clues and riddles to lead the learner to the next episode and solve the puzzle
- Cohesive identity develops throughout the six levels, growing with the level and age of the learner
- A clear language progression in harmony with CEF descriptor bands and the Cambridge ESOL and Trinity YL exams - Intercultural learning reflects the increasing importance of this aspect of the CEF
- Extensive range of photocopiable worksheets caters for varying needs including materials for mixed-ability classes, letters, word lists, advice for parents and exams practice pages
Anul publicarii: 2012
Format: 12x14
Pagini: 3 CDs
Titluri de aceiași autori
145,35 lei
PRP: 153,00 lei
+-- Carte straina
- Carte scolara
- Carti medicale
- Dictionaries
- Grammar
- Carti pentru copii in limba engleza
- Activity books
- Art and craft books
- Babies and toddlers books
- Childrens fiction books
- Christmas books
- Colouring books Tweet
- Cooking and gardening books
- Encyclopedias, general knowledge
- English language
- Fairy tales and classic stories
- Foreign languages
- Geography books and atlases
- Gift books
- Growing up and mental health
- History books
- Maths books
- Music books
- Nature and outdoors
- Picture books
- Puzzles, games and quizzes
- Religions
- Science books
- Sports books
- Sticker books
- Literatura
- Carti diverse
- Carti in dar
- Carti la pret redus
- Jucarii si jocuri
- Beletristica
- Carte scolara
- Carti diverse
- Colectii
- Drept
- IT&Calculatoare
- Limbi straine
- Literatura pt. copii
- Manuale scolare
- Medicina
- Multimedia
- Stiinte economice
- Stiinte exacte
- Stiinte umaniste
- Materiale didactice
- Biologie
- Stiinte pentru clasele primare
- Fizica
- Chimie
- Matematica
- Informatica - planse
- Geografie
- Istorie
- Limba romana
- Limbi straine
- Arte
- Planse pentru clasele I-IV si V-VIII
- Sport
- Mobilier scolar
- Mobilier de laborator
- Tablete interactive
- Videoproiectoare interactive si clasice
- Echipamente audiovizuale (ecrane de proiectie)
- Aviziere si table scolare
- Jucarii matematice
- Birotica si papetarie
- Accesorii computer
- Afisare si prezentare
- Accesorii table magnetice
- Agende
- Agrafe, pioneze, ace cu gamalie
- Benzi adezive si dispensere
- Cabinete, flipcharturi si hartie
- Capsatoare, capse, decapsatoare
- Cosuri pentru hartii
- Ecusoane si accesorii
- Elastice, accesorii ambalare
- Foarfeci
- Mape pentru birou
- Panouri, suporti, aviziere
- Perforatoare de birou
- Seturi pentru birou
- Suporti articole birou
- Table magnetice, plannere
- Tavite, suporti documente
- Tipizate
- Articole birotica
- Consumabile imprimante
- Coperti si etichete
- Crafting si hobby
- Hartie si accesorii
- Instrumente de scris
- Ascutitori
- Corectoare
- Creioane mecanice, creioane
- Instrumente de scris de lux
- Linere
- Markere cerneala pe baza de apa
- Markere cu destinatie speciala
- Markere pentru CD/DVD
- Markere pentru desen
- Markere pentru textile
- Markere permanente
- Markere table si flipcharturi
- Markere universale
- Mine creion mecanic
- Pixuri cu gel
- Pixuri cu mecanism
- Pixuri de unica folosinta
- Pixuri fara mecanism
- Pixuri metalice
- Pixuri multifunctionale
- Rezerve pixuri
- Rigle
- Rollere
- Seturi pix si stilou
- Stampile, tusuri, tusiere
- Stilouri si rezerve
- Textmarkere
- Lucru
- Mobilier si accesorii
- Organizare si arhiva
- Protocol si curatenie
- Rechizite scolare
- Acuarele si seturi pictura
- Adeziv / Lipici
- Ascutitori
- Caiete scolare format A4, A5
- Caiete speciale
- Carioci si markere
- Carnetele A6, A7
- Creioane si creioane colorate
- Foarfeci pentru copii
- Genti, rucsaci si penare scolare
- Ghiozdane
- Instrumente de desen
- Instrumente de scris
- Plastilina si materiale modelaj
- Portofele
- Radiere
- Uz didactic
- Tehnica de birou
- Reviste si integrame
Transport in Bucuresti
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