Icoane taranesti pe sticla din Romania, ed. bilingva (ro-eng)
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Semn identitar, mai ales pentru cultura populara transilsilvaneana veche, icoana pe sticlã a trait aventura multor altor capodopere. Preferata, la inceput, din cauza accesibilitatii, respinsa de clerici din cauza schematismului, a desenului primitiv si a unor indepartari de canoane, uitata, pierduta sau aruncata, chiar de proprietari la iesirea din trend, redescoperita de intelectuali, cautata de muzeografi, valorizata in licitatiile de arta, copiata si rãspandita in zilele noastre, tocmai pentru modernismul sau... Acest parcurs ii da un plus de mister si de farmec, ce se cere descifrat. Posesorii de lucrari de gen, mai vechi sau mai noi, sau cumparatorii de azi ar avea poate nevoie de un ghid in aceastã intreprindere. Il punem la dispozitie cu declaratia asumata ca suntem vechi admiratori si colectionari, dar si promotori ai acestor preþioase opere.
Identity sign especially for the old Transylvanian folk culture, the icon on glass lived the adventure of many other masterpieces. Prefer-red at first, because of its accessi-bility, rejected by the clergy because of the schematism, primitive drawing and some departure from canons, forgotten, lost or discarded by the owners themselves when it was out of the trend, rediscovered by intel-lectuals, sought by curators, valued at art auctions, copied and spread nowadays, for its modernity... this journey gives an added mystery and charm, which is required to be deciphered. Owners of such works or today s buyers would perhaps need a guide in this undertaking. We provide the guide with the assumed statement that we are fans and collectors, and promoters of these precious works.
An aparitie: 2014
Format: 20,5 X 9,5
Numar pagini: 120
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