Integrity in the Legal, Educational and Private Environment

The culture of integrity encompasses a global approach of all educational and cultural aspects in broad areas of humanities that foster trust through high professional and practiced skills, with standards of independence and accountability. This volume aims to present a variety of approaches on judges’ integrity, their incompatibility in prosecuting criminal cases, in order to see the way presumption of impartiality works through its verification, by abstention or challenge to disqualify, deontological values of the legal profession through the Deontological Code of the Romanian Lawyers, aspects of causation of corruption offences and their investigation, the nature of corruption offences committed in the Romanian education system and ways of sanction, integrity in the field of Romanian legal publishing, training young people for the banking sector, compliance advisors in the private sector, as well as its integrated mechanism of compliance risk assessment in the area of corporate law supplemented by the jurisprudence of the High Court of Cassation and Justice.
Despre coordonator
Rodica Aida Popa este judecator la Sectia penala a Inaltei Curti de Casatie si Justitie; lector universitar la Facultatea de Drept din cadrul Universitatii „Nicolae Titulescu” si reprezentantul Romaniei la Consiliul Consultativ al Judecatorilor Europeni din Cadrul Consiliului Europei.
Despre autori
Oana-Raluca Banateanu este expert in conformitate, sprijinind operatiunile din regiunea Europa si Comunitatea Statelor Independente in cadrul unei companii private prezente in peste 190 de tari.
Dan Oancea este avocat si profesor universitar in cadrul Facultatii de Drept, Universitatea din Bucuresti.
George-Mihai Popa este Expert in drept corporativ, Director juridic in domeniul multinational.
Ovidiu Predescu este profesor universitar si directorul publicatiilor „Dreptul”.
Ianfred Silberstein este consilier juridic, consultant strategie in cadrul Bancii Nationale a Romaniei.
Radu Slavoiu este avocat si lector universitar in cadrul Facultatii de Drept, Universitatea „Nicolae Titulescu”.
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