Let there be light!

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Millennia later, the Bible comes to unveil its secrets. It only had to happen now, when the global population is going through the greatest shift of mankind: the transition to a different existential plain. For this to happen, however, we need to understand the process .
Millennia later, the Bible comes to unveil its secrets. It only had to happen now, when the global population is going through the greatest shift of
mankind: the transition to a different existential plain. For this to happen, however, we need to understand the process.
And, before we can figure out this process of Transitioning, we need to understand the process of Genesis and Creation. There is no mysticism about it, rather scientific and knowledgeable facts, as the most advanced concepts of nowadays science merge with the elusive force of the Creator.
For you to understand how to walk your path and what is your destination, you need to learn where you come from. And how you arrived at this point. Therefore, in a simple, easily accessible phrasing, the pages of this book will take the reader through a millennial trip of this world’s creation.
It will unveil the secrets encrypted in a text that millions of people have read for ages, but it is only now the time for it to uncover profound meanings. The reader will acknowledge that each reading brings new information to the surface, as the book has been written for seven levels of integration. Until this point in time, this information has been used to a certain extent. Because this very hallmark of the Bible WAS MEANT FOR NOW!!
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Top 10
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- 26,40 leiPRP: 30,00 lei
- 26,40 leiPRP: 30,00 lei