New Inside Out Intermediate B1 Audio CDs, 3 (Contine 3 cd-uri)

New Inside Out takes all the best elements of the original Inside Out series - including the emphasis on personalisation and meaning - and adds a host of brand-new features. Sue and Vaughan have gone back to the classroom to write this new edition, working with teachers and students to find out exactly what works in the real world. The result is one of the most relevant and exciting general English courses available.
Key features
- A new, fully updated version of our classic general English course
- Retains all the character and personality users love from the original Inside Out series, whilst adding a range of great new features
- Every Student's Book comes with a multimedia CD-ROM with interactive practice and extension activities
- A brand-new Beginner level
- New components: DVD and DVD Teacher's Book, Interactive Whiteboard software
- New 'Useful phrases' and 'Vocabulary Extra' sections, and much more
What's new?
- Multimedia CD-ROM included with every Student's Book - providing extra interactive practice, at home or in school
- Beginner level - New Inside Out now takes students from complete beginners to advanced users of English
- New topics engage students and bring the books up to date
- Expanded grammar sections offer comprehensive coverage of key language points, whilst the new 'Grammar Extra' sections recycle and review this language
- 'Useful Phrases' and 'Vocabulary Extra' sections provide real-world language
- The comprehensive, all-in-one Teacher's Book is the perfect companion to the course, providing teacher's notes, practical teaching tips, photocopiable activities and a CD containing editable tests
Autor: Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones
Anul publicarii: 2009
Format: 14x12
Key features
- A new, fully updated version of our classic general English course
- Retains all the character and personality users love from the original Inside Out series, whilst adding a range of great new features
- Every Student's Book comes with a multimedia CD-ROM with interactive practice and extension activities
- A brand-new Beginner level
- New components: DVD and DVD Teacher's Book, Interactive Whiteboard software
- New 'Useful phrases' and 'Vocabulary Extra' sections, and much more
What's new?
- Multimedia CD-ROM included with every Student's Book - providing extra interactive practice, at home or in school
- Beginner level - New Inside Out now takes students from complete beginners to advanced users of English
- New topics engage students and bring the books up to date
- Expanded grammar sections offer comprehensive coverage of key language points, whilst the new 'Grammar Extra' sections recycle and review this language
- 'Useful Phrases' and 'Vocabulary Extra' sections provide real-world language
- The comprehensive, all-in-one Teacher's Book is the perfect companion to the course, providing teacher's notes, practical teaching tips, photocopiable activities and a CD containing editable tests
Autor: Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones
Anul publicarii: 2009
Format: 14x12
Titluri de aceiași autori
+-- Carte straina
- Carte scolara
- Carti medicale
- Dictionaries
- Grammar
- Carti pentru copii in limba engleza
- Activity books
- Art and craft books
- Babies and toddlers books
- Childrens fiction books
- Christmas books
- Colouring books Tweet
- Cooking and gardening books
- Encyclopedias, general knowledge
- English language
- Fairy tales and classic stories
- Foreign languages
- Geography books and atlases
- Gift books
- Growing up and mental health
- History books
- Maths books
- Music books
- Nature and outdoors
- Picture books
- Puzzles, games and quizzes
- Religions
- Science books
- Sports books
- Sticker books
- Literatura
- Carti diverse
- Carti in dar
- Carti la pret redus
- Jucarii si jocuri
- Beletristica
- Carte scolara
- Carti diverse
- Colectii
- Drept
- IT&Calculatoare
- Limbi straine
- Literatura pt. copii
- Manuale scolare
- Medicina
- Multimedia
- Stiinte economice
- Stiinte exacte
- Stiinte umaniste
- Materiale didactice
- Biologie
- Stiinte pentru clasele primare
- Fizica
- Chimie
- Matematica
- Informatica - planse
- Geografie
- Istorie
- Limba romana
- Limbi straine
- Arte
- Planse pentru clasele I-IV si V-VIII
- Sport
- Mobilier scolar
- Mobilier de laborator
- Tablete interactive
- Videoproiectoare interactive si clasice
- Echipamente audiovizuale (ecrane de proiectie)
- Aviziere si table scolare
- Jucarii matematice
- Birotica si papetarie
- Accesorii computer
- Afisare si prezentare
- Accesorii table magnetice
- Agende
- Agrafe, pioneze, ace cu gamalie
- Benzi adezive si dispensere
- Cabinete, flipcharturi si hartie
- Capsatoare, capse, decapsatoare
- Cosuri pentru hartii
- Ecusoane si accesorii
- Elastice, accesorii ambalare
- Foarfeci
- Mape pentru birou
- Panouri, suporti, aviziere
- Perforatoare de birou
- Seturi pentru birou
- Suporti articole birou
- Table magnetice, plannere
- Tavite, suporti documente
- Tipizate
- Articole birotica
- Consumabile imprimante
- Coperti si etichete
- Crafting si hobby
- Hartie si accesorii
- Instrumente de scris
- Ascutitori
- Corectoare
- Creioane mecanice, creioane
- Instrumente de scris de lux
- Linere
- Markere cerneala pe baza de apa
- Markere cu destinatie speciala
- Markere pentru CD/DVD
- Markere pentru desen
- Markere pentru textile
- Markere permanente
- Markere table si flipcharturi
- Markere universale
- Mine creion mecanic
- Pixuri cu gel
- Pixuri cu mecanism
- Pixuri de unica folosinta
- Pixuri fara mecanism
- Pixuri metalice
- Pixuri multifunctionale
- Rezerve pixuri
- Rigle
- Rollere
- Seturi pix si stilou
- Stampile, tusuri, tusiere
- Stilouri si rezerve
- Textmarkere
- Lucru
- Mobilier si accesorii
- Organizare si arhiva
- Protocol si curatenie
- Rechizite scolare
- Acuarele si seturi pictura
- Adeziv / Lipici
- Ascutitori
- Caiete scolare format A4, A5
- Caiete speciale
- Carioci si markere
- Carnetele A6, A7
- Creioane si creioane colorate
- Foarfeci pentru copii
- Genti, rucsaci si penare scolare
- Ghiozdane
- Instrumente de desen
- Instrumente de scris
- Plastilina si materiale modelaj
- Portofele
- Radiere
- Uz didactic
- Tehnica de birou
- Reviste si integrame
Transport in Bucuresti
+-- ARAMIS [-25%]
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- NICOL [-10%]
- ALL [-10%]
- ...alte edituri
Top 10
+-- Religie. Caiet pentru elevi. Clasa a V-a
- Marius Burtea - Matematica, M2. Probleme si exercitii pe unitati de invatare, pentru clasa a IX-a (Profilul, servicii, resurse, tehnic)
- Religie. Caiet pentru elevi. Clasa a VI-a
- Psihologie - Sinteze, aplicatii, teste - clasa a X-a
- Culegere matematica Euclid clasa a III-a, editia 2014 - 2015. Concursul EUCLID te invata matematica
- Carmen Blaga, Magic English - Caiet de aplicatii clasa a III-a
- Tehnologia Informatiei si a Comunicatiilor, caiet pentru clasa a VII-a
- Limba engleza caiet pentru clasa pregatitoare - Vocabular, exercitii, jocuri, poezii, cantece, transcriere fonetica
- Sah chinezesc!
- EDUCATIE MUZICALA manual pentru clasa a IV-a (Marcela Penes)
+-- 26,40 leiPRP: 30,00 lei
- 26,40 leiPRP: 30,00 lei
- 26,40 leiPRP: 30,00 lei