Teste de limba engleza (Barbara Pawlowska)

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Autor: B.Pawlowska Z. Kempinski
Editura: TEORA
Anul publicării: 2011
Pagini: 187
Teste de limba engleza autori Barbara Pawlowska si Zbigniew Kempinski. "Testele de limba engleza" pe care vi le propunem va ofera posibilitatea nu doar sa va verificati cunostintele dobandite, ci sa le si aprofundati. Ce subiecte trateaza aceasta lucrare? - notiuni generale despre verb - timpurile verbelor - diateza activa / diateza pasiva - verbele auxiliare - verbele modale Atentie! Desi este tratat in principal domeniul verbului, prin contextul propus in exercitii sunt solicitate si celelalte aspecte ale gramaticii si vocabularului limbii engleze. CONTENTS-CUPRINS PREFATA 9 1. The English Verb 11 Division of Verbs (Clasificarea verbelor) 11 Principal Forms of Active Verbs (Formele principale ale verbelor active) 11 Selected Irregular Verbs... 12 English Verb Tenses 16 2. The Simple Present Tense 17 The Simple Present Tense - Forms 17 The Simple Present Tense - Use 18 exercices 19 3. The Present Continuous Tense 27 The Present Continuous Tense-Forms 27 The Present Continuous Tense - Use 27 EXERCISES 28 4. The Present Perfect Tense 35 The Present Perfect Tense - Forms 35 The Present Perfect Tense - Use 35 exercises 36 5. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense 43 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense - Forms 43 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense - Use 43 EXERCISES 43 6. The Simple Past Tense 47 The Simple Past Tense - Forms 47 The Simple Past Tense - Use 47 exercises 48 7. The Past Continuous Tense 56 The Past Continuous Tense-Forms 56 The Past Continuous Tense - Use 56 EXERCISES 57 8. The Past Perfect Tense 61 The Past Perfect Tense-Forms 61 The Past Perfect Tense - Use 61 EXERCISES.. 62 9. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense 65 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense-Forms 65 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense - Use 65 EXERCISES 66 10. The Simple Future Tense 68 The Simple Future Tense-Forms 68 The Simple Future Tense - Use 68 EXERCISES 70 11. The Future Continuous Tense 73 The Future Continuous Tense-Forms 73 The Future Continuous Tense-Use. 73 EXERCISES 74 12. The Future Perfect Tense 76 The Future Perfect Tense-Forms 76 The Future Perfect Tense-Use 76 13. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense 77 The Future Perfect Continuous Tense-Forms 77 The Future Perfect Continuous Tense-Use 77 exercises (Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous) 77 14. The Future in the Past Simple. 79 The Future in the Past Simple-Forms 79 The Future in the Past Simple - Use 80 15. The Future in the Past Continuous Tense 81 The Future in the Past Continuous Tense-Forms 81 The Future in the Past Continuous-Use 81 EXERCISES (Future in the Past Simple, Future in the Past Continuous) 82 16. The Future in the Past Perfect 84 The Future in the Past Perfect Tense-Forms 84 The Future in the Past Perfect-Use 84 17. The Future in the Past Perfect Continuous Tense 85 The Future in the Past Perfect Continuous -Forms 85 The Future in the Past Perfect Continuous -Use 85 EXERCiSES(Future in the Past Tenses) 86 18. The Passive Voice 87 Active and Passive Verb Forms (Formele active §i pasive aleverbelor) 87 Passive Tenses 88 18. 3. English Verb Tenses - Passive Voice 88 18. 4. The Passive Voice-Use 88 exercises 89 19. Infinitives, Gerunds and -ing Forms 92 Infinitive Patterns 92 Patterns with Gerund and -ing Forms 95 EXERCisES(Infinitive, Gerund and -ing Form) 97 20. Special Verbs 105 20. 1. Auxiliary Verbs 106 to be 106 EXERCISES 107 to have 109 EXERCISES 110 to do 113 EXERCISES 113 20. 2. Modal Verbs 116 can 116 EXERCISES 117 could 120 EXERCISES 121 may 124 exercises 124 must 128 exercises 129 need 132 EXERCISES 133 should and ought to 136 EXERCISES 136 used to 138 EXERCISES 139 dare 141 20. 3 Test (Auxiliaries) 141 21. Tests 144 PREFATA Lucrarea abordeaza un domeniu unanim considerat ca fiind unul dintre cele mai dificile in studierea limbii engleze: acela al verbelor. Timpurile verbelor sunt prezentate prin scheme, tabele si explicatii, toate acestea fiind completate apoi de o multime de exercitii de diverse tipuri (printre care multiple choice, structural conversion, gap-filling, error recognition, transference, translation, etc.). Nu sunt omise, desigur, verbele modale, a caror prezentare este structurata, de asemenea, mtr-o parte explicativa, teoretica si una aplicativa, practica. La sfarsitul lucrarii se propun o serie de teste generate, acoperind toate problemele prezentate in cuprins. Speram ca aceasta carte sa vina in ajutorul elevilor aflati la un nivel intermediar In studierea limbii engleze, precum si al profesorilor dornici de a-si Imbogati orele de curs. Anul aparitie: 2011 Nr. pagini: 187
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