Textbook of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery A Competency-Based Approach for Undergraduates

An update to the Indian otolaryngology curriculum has necessitated changes in the way students interact with, understand, and progress thinking in the subject. Changes in the field of otorhinolaryngology over the last three decades have seen newer concepts and technologies being incorporated. Textbook of Otorhinolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery: A Competency-Based Approach for Undergraduates discusses these contextual changes, covering the new curriculum in stimulating and easily accessible ways.
The book features 80 chapters by more than 56 authors from over 31 medical colleges and universities discussing questions and realities from classrooms and clinics. This has been done through lucid language supplemented by diagrams and clinical pictures developed to deepen the understanding.
There are accompanying videos, explaining key techniques to give readers a feel for ear, nose, and throat (ENT) procedures. Case-based questions, drawn from collective clinical expertise, confront students with real-world scenarios and the challenges of clinical practice. A section on “Clinical Pearls”—interesting clinical facts—has also been drafted to broaden the perspective and prompt further thinking.
This book is an essential reading for undergraduate students looking for clear, basic concepts. Clinicians will also find this book beneficial in brushing up on present-day thinking on the subject.
Key features
- Photographs and videos of various clinical conditions for better visual understanding
- Pearls emphasizing important clinical aspects
- Points to ponder providing an overall summary of the chapter
- Questions with answers at the end of each chapter for correlation
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