Vespasian V. Pella and the ideal of peace through law

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For his contemporaries, Vespasian V. Pella (1897-1952) was the initiator of a great project to reform international law, he was the one who advocated, with courage and conviction, in the most important forums of inter-war Europe for the “law of peace” based on the principles of international justice. For three decades, he was surprising for the originality of his proposals: he drew up an initial definition of aggression, proposed solutions to suppress piracy, terrorism and genocide, supported European integration, the unification of international law and the creation of an international criminal court.
Today, the International Association of Penal Law honours him as a former president, the International Criminal Court has dedicated a room bearing his name and international jurists from the world’s great universities mention him with reverence in their studies on the history of international law.
His untimely disappearance, into exile (after having been on the list of 400 diplomats released from offi ce when the communist regime was installed), made him too little known in his own country. Inspired by his exceptional achievements and eager to bring him back to the attention of jurists of the Third Millennium, we have set ourselves, as members of the academic association that bears his name, to contribute to the restitution of the work of our illustrious ancestor and to bring him back... home.
This volume, which contains unpublished documents and images as well as excerpts from studies dedicated to him, is part of the series of these endeavours, capturing the effervescent activity of Professor Pella who set out from the Faculty of Law in Iasi on a beautiful national and international intellectual adventure, understanding to represent Romania in an exemplary manner, to promote pacifist ideas and the need for human solidarity.

Prof. dr. Aurora Ciuca

It is with great pleasure that I welcome the publication of the English edition of this insightful biographical work by prof. Aurora Ciuca, dedicated to the life and activity of Vespasian V. Pella (1897 - 1952) – prestigious Romanian lawyer, scholar, diplomat and professor.
In our time, when threats to human rights or aggression in international relations are yet again painful realities, this volume is also a timely educational tool.
The publishing of this edition also bears a special symbolism, considering that 2022 marks 160 years of modern Romanian diplomacy. This editorial demarche is thus complementary to the endeavours of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote the legacy of some of the most emblematic diplomatic figures who contributed to the formation and consolidation of our modern foreign policy.
This is also why I am delighted to introduce this valuable work of prof. Aurora Ciuca, now available in English. It is not only an homage to Vespasian Pella, but also a collection of lessons learned on the importance of dedicating a life’s work to a higher purpose, such as the advancement of international law to preserve world peace and security.

Prof. Dr. Bogdan Aurescu
Member of the UN International Law Commission

Pentru contemporanii sai, Vespasian V. Pella (1897-1952) a fost initiatorul unui mare proiect de reformare a dreptului international, el a fost cel care a pledat, cu curaj si convingere, in cele mai importante foruri ale Europei interbelice pentru „legea pacii” bazata pe principiile justitiei internationale. Timp de trei decenii, a surprins prin originalitatea propunerilor sale: a intocmit o definitie initiala a agresiunii, a propus solutii pentru suprimarea pirateriei, terorismului si genocidului, a sustinut integrarea europeana, unificarea dreptului international si crearea unei instante penale internationale.
Astazi, Asociatia Internationala de Drept Penal il onoreaza ca fost presedinte, Curtea Penala Internationala i-a dedicat o sala care ii poarta numele si juristii internationali din marile universitati ale lumii il mentioneaza cu evlavie in studiile lor despre istoria dreptului international.
Disparitia sa prematura, in exil (dupa ce fusese pe lista celor 400 de diplomati eliberati din functie la instalarea regimului comunist), l-a facut prea putin cunoscut in propria tara. Inspirati de realizarile sale exceptionale si dornici sa-l readucem in atentia juristilor Mileniului III, ne-am propus, ca membri ai asociatiei academice care ii poarta numele, sa contribuim la restituirea operei ilustrului nostru stramos si sa-l aducem inapoi... acasa.
Acest volum, care contine documente si imagini inedite, precum si fragmente din studiile care i-au fost dedicate, se inscrie in seria acestor demersuri, surprinzand activitatea efervescenta a profesorului Pella, care a pornit de la Facultatea de Drept din Iasi spre o frumoasa aventura intelectuala nationala si internationala, intelegand sa reprezinte Romania intr-o maniera exemplara, sa promoveze ideile pacifiste si nevoia de solidaritate umana.

Prof. dr. Aurora Ciuca

Este o mare placere sa prefatez publicarea editiei in limba engleza a acestei deosebite lucrari biografice realizata de doamna prof. Aurora Ciuca, dedicata vietii si activitatii lui Vespasian V. Pella (1897-1952) – prestigios avocat, carturar, diplomat si profesor roman.
In vremea noastra, cand amenintarile la adresa drepturilor omului sau agresiunile in relatiile internationale sunt din nou realitati dureroase, acest volum este si un instrument educational oportun.
Publicarea acestei editii poarta si o simbolistica aparte, avand in vedere ca anul 2022 marcheaza 160 de ani de diplomatie romaneasca moderna. Acest demers editorial este astfel complementar demersurilor Ministerului de Externe al Romaniei de a promova mostenirea unora dintre cele mai emblematice personalitati diplomatice care au contribuit la formarea si consolidarea politicii noastre externe moderne.
De aceea sunt incantat sa va prezint aceasta lucrare valoroasa a prof. Aurora Ciuca, acum disponibila in limba engleza. Nu este doar un omagiu adus lui Vespasian Pella, ci si o colectie de lectii invatate despre importanta dedicarii unei vieti de munca in slujba unui scop superior, cum este promovarea dreptului international pentru a pastra pacea si securitatea mondiala.

Prof. Dr. Bogdan Aurescu
Membru al Comisiei de Drept International a ONU

Aceasta carte este publicata sub patronajul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe al Romaniei. Editia in limba romana a cartii a fost publicata la Ed. Lumen, in anul 2019 si este disponibila pe siteul lor.


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