Barbara Delinsky

Barbara Delinsky
Nascut August 9, 1945 ( 1945-08-09 ) (age 63) 9 august 1945 (1945-08-09) (cu vârsta de 63)
Boston, Massachusetts ( USA ) Boston, Massachusetts (SUA)
Pen name Pen numele Bonnie Drake Bonnie Drake
Billie Douglass, Billie Douglass,
Barbara Delinsky Barbara Delinsky
Occupation Ocupatia Novelist , Non-fiction writer Romancier, non-fictiune scriitor
Nationality Nationalitate American American
Writing period Perioada de scriere 1981 - present 1981 - prezent
Genres Genuri Romance , sentimental , family drama Romantic, sentimental, drama de familie
Subjects Subiecte Breast Cancer Cancer de sân
(nascut la 9 august, 1945, in Boston, Massachusetts, SUA ca Ruth Greenberg) este un american scriitor de saisprezece New York Times Bestsellers. She has also been published under the pen names Bonnie Drake and Billie Douglass . Ea a fost, de asemenea, publicate în conformitate cu pixul numele Bonnie Drake si Billie Douglass.
Delinsky was born on August 9 , 1945 near Boston, Massachusetts . Delinsky sa nascut la 9 august, 1945 langa Boston, Massachusetts. Her mother died when she was only eight. Mama ei a murit cand ea a fost de numai opt ani.
In 1976, she graduated from Newton High School, in Newton, Massachusetts . În 1976, ea a absolvit Liceul de Newton, în Newton, Massachusetts. She then went on to earn a BA in Psychology from Tufts University and an MA in Sociology at Boston College . Ea apoi a mers la a câstiga un BA în Psihologie de la Universitatea Tufts si un masterat în sociologie la Boston College.
Delinsky married Steve Delinsky, a law student, when she was very young. Delinsky casatorit Steve Delinsky, un student la drept, atunci când era foarte tânar. During the first years of her marriage, she worked for the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. În primii ani de-o casatorie, ea a lucrat pentru Massachusetts Societatea pentru Prevenirea cruzime la copii. After the birth of her first child, she took a job as a photographer and reporter for the Belmont Herald newspaper. Dupa nasterea primul ei copil, ea a avut un loc de munca în calitate de reporter si fotograf pentru Belmont Herald ziar. She also filled her time doing volunteer work at hospitals, and serving on the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center and their Women's Cancer Advisory Board. Ea a umplut-o de asemenea, timpul de lucru face voluntar la spitale, si care servesc la Consiliul de administratie al Prieteni din Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center si a femeii Rac consultativ.
In 1980, after having a pair of twins, Delinsky read an article about three female writers, and decided to try putting her imagination on paper. În 1980, dupa ce o pereche de gemeni, Delinsky citi un articol despre trei femei scriitori, si a decis sa încerce sa puna imaginatia ei pe hârtie. After three months of researching, plotting, and writing, she sold her first book. Dupa trei luni de cercetare, plotting, si a scris, ea a vândut-o prima carte. She began publishing for Dell Publishing Company (Candlelight Ecstasy Romance) as Billie Douglass, for Silhouette Books (S. Intimate Moments and S. Desire) as Billie Douglass, and for Harlequin Enterprises as Barbara Delinsky. Ea a început sa publice pentru Dell Publishing Company (lumina de lumânare Ecstasy romanice), dupa cum Billie Douglass, pentru silueta Carti (S. intim Momente si S. Desire) ca Billie Douglass, precum si pentru arlechin Enterprises ca Barbara Delinsky. Now, she only use her married name Barbara Delinsky, and some of her novels published under the others pseudonyms, are being published under this name. Acum, ea a utiliza numai ei casatorit nume Barbara Delinsky, si unii dintre ei romane publicate în conformitate cu celelalte pseudonime, sunt publicate în conformitate cu acest nume. Since then, over 30 million copies of her books are in print, and they have been published in 25 languages. De atunci, peste 30 de milioane de copii ale ei sunt în carti de imprimare, si ei au fost publicate în 25 de limbi. One of her novels, A Woman's Place , was made into a Lifetime movie starring Lorraine Bracco . Unul dintre ei romane, o femeie a Place, a fost facuta într-o viata filmul încearca sa Lorraine Bracco.
In 2001, Delinsky branched out into nonfiction with the book Uplift: Secrets from the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors. A breast cancer survivor herself, Barbara donates the proceeds of that book and her second nonfiction work to charity. În 2001, Delinsky ramificate în afara nonfiction cu carte înalta: Secretele de la Sisterhood de cancer de sân urma. Un cancer de sân se supravietuitor, Barbara doneaza produselor care si-o carte de lucru la doua nonfiction caritate. With those funds she has been able to fund an oncology fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital that trains breast surgeons. Cu aceste fonduri a fost în stare sa finanteze un oncologie partasie la Massachusetts General Hospital, care trenurile de sân chirurgi.
The Delinsky family resides in Newton, Massachusetts . Delinsky de familie are resedinta în Newton, Massachusetts. Steve Delinsky has become a reputed lawyer of the city, while she writes daily in her office above the garage at her home. Steve Delinsky reputate a devenit un avocat al orasului, în timp ce ea scrie pe zi, la biroul ei de mai sus garaj la ea acasa.
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